
In recent times climate change and the impact of human activity has increasingly come to the fore.

I know for many, it seems like there is little that they can (or are willing) to do to help to make the seemingly necessary changes, and in some cases, emerging technologies are just too expensive for the majority of us. However, I am a firm believer that anything we can do as individuals, or businesses, however small, will make a difference. Below is a list of some of the small changes that I have made to limit the negative impacts of my business on our planet.

  1. I no longer promote the use of foreign timbers, instead opting to use UK grown timbers as much as possible. Where feasible, I will endeavour to use suppliers as close to my workshop as possible in order to limit transport distances. The only current variation from this is where I proactively use Accoya timber. This is a non toxic treated timber which is particularly durable and fast growing. More can be found out about this product by following this link.

  2. I only use timbers from certified (FSC or PEFC) suppliers ensuring responsible management.

  3. I only use sheet materials which are from FSC or PEFC certified suppliers.

  4. I will avoid the use of any solvent based finishing products or adhesives, instead opting for the more environmentally friendly waterborne or natural products where possible.

  5. I endeavour to use suppliers who have strong environmental and ethical policies in place, and follow them. In 2022 I had to cancel a contract with a well known business waste disposal company who were clearly mixing general and recyclable waste. I can only guess as to how the waste was treated but my assumption is that very little recycling was taking place.

  6. Heating of my workshop is by Infra red heating lamps. These offer instant heat by harmless light radiation and do not heat the air, just the objects or people they emit light on to. This allows for heating the area required only and not the whole space. Because the heating is instant, there is no need to turn the heaters on an hour before heating is required.

  7. I endeavour to cycle to and from work instead of driving and will invest in a more environmentally friendly vehicle as soon as I am able to. I don’t respond to every enquiry with a visit- I get too many for this to be sustainable in the first place, but it is also unnecessary.

  8. I am legally required to hold a waste carriers license which is issued by the environment agency. My registration number is CBDU395562 and my business can be found on the register here.

I will strive to continue to improve the way I work and from time to time will update this page.